Book Description:

Recently we’ve seen consumer 3D printing gaining traction. The power of 3D printing is huge and its applications are seemingly endless—medicine, architecture, and food, to name a few. Incorporating 3D printing into your design cycle reduces overall project costs and lowers project duration, as it allows for rapid prototype iterations and instant, more descriptive feedback. 3D printing looks to revolutionize modern manufacturing and the technology is improving in leaps and bounds each and every day.

“3D Printing for Architects with MakerBot” strives to give you a good foundation for what MakerBot can do. It offers a hands-on way to learn about how 3D printing works, and how you can use its powerful features to produce great prints. With this book, you will learn everything you need to know about designing and printing architectural models using the MakerBot Replicator 2X and how to incorporate multiple parts and colours from designs created by you and the community.

“3D Printing for Architects with MakerBot” will take you through a number of clear, practical examples which will teach you how to unlock the power of your MakerBot Replicator 2X and the MakerBot community. It will show you how to create models composed of multiple parts and colours which are 3D printer ready.

You will also learn about the different types of 3D printing and the history leading up to the purchase of MakerBot by Stratasys. You will take a look into the details of 3D printing software, learning how to convert your 3D CAD model into a physical 3D prototype and how various options will affect your print. You will then create more advanced architectural models with parts created to fit together that are designed either by you or from the extensive community libraries found on Thingiverse and GrabCAD. If you want to learn how to gain the upper hand over the competition by creating architectural prototypes using 3D printing, then this is the book for you.

What you will learn from this book

  • Modify and orient models in Makerware
  • Reduce warpage during prints
  • Discover the impact of print settings and other features on overall quality
  • Use dual extruder for multi-colour printing
  • Create advanced assemblies utilizing component tolerancing
  • Learn how to design for assembly
  • Incorporate flexibility into your designs
  • Find and modify models from Thingiverse and GrabCAD
  • Scale for a tradeoff between time and precision


This is a hands-on tutorial for a user to become well-versed with 3D printing using MakerBots.

Who this book is written for

“3D Printing for Architects with MakerBot” is ideal for architects looking to creating stunning prototypes using the MakerBot Replicator 2X 3D printer. Having experience using 3D CAD software is beneficial but not necessary as this book mentions several different CAD packages for beginners, up to those more advanced users who are perhaps looking for additional features.

Book Description:

Learn how to manage and integrate the technology of 3D printers in the classroom, library, and lab. With this book, the authors give practical, lessons-learned advice about the nuts and bolts of what happens when you mix 3D printers, teachers, students, and the general public in environments ranging from K-12 and university classrooms to libraries, museums, and after-school community programs.

Take your existing programs to the next level with Mastering 3D Printing in the Classroom, Library, and Lab. Organized in a way that is readable and easy to understand, this book is your guide to the many technology options available now in both software and hardware, as well as a compendium of practical use cases and a discussion of how to create experiences that will align with curriculum standards.

You’ll examine the whole range of working with a 3D printer, from purchase decision to curriculum design. Finally this book points you forward to the digital-fabrication future current students will face, discussing how key skills can be taught as cost-effectively as possible.

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover what is really involved with using a 3D printer in a classroom, library, lab, or public space
  • Review use cases of 3D printers designed to enhance student learning and to make practical parts, from elementary school through university research lab
  • Look at career-planning directions in the emerging digital fabrication arena
  • Work with updated tools, hardware, and software for 3D printing
Who This Book Is For

Educators of all levels, both formal (classroom) and informal (after-school programs, libraries, museums).

Book Description:

The bestselling book on 3D printing

3D printing is one of the coolest inventions we’ve seen in our lifetime, and now you can join the ranks of businesspeople, entrepreneurs, and hobbyists who use it to do everything from printing foods and candles to replacement parts for older technologies—and tons of mind-blowing stuff in between! With 3D Printing For Dummiesat the helm, you’ll find all the fast and easy-to-follow guidance you need to grasp the methods available to create 3D printable objects using software, 3D scanners, and even photographs through open source software applications like 123D Catch.

Thanks to the growing availability of 3D printers, this remarkable technology is coming to the masses, and there’s no time like the present to let your imagination run wild and actually create whatever you dream up—quickly and inexpensively. When it comes to 3D printing, the sky’s the limit!

  • Covers each type of 3D printing technology available today: stereolithology, selective sintering, used deposition, and granular binding
  • Provides information on the potential for the transformation of production and manufacturing, reuse and recycling, intellectual property design controls, and the commoditization of products
  • Walks you through the process of creating a RepRap printer using open source designs, software, and hardware
  • Offers strategies for improved success in 3D printing

On your marks, get set, innovate!

Book Description:

Do you find yourself wondering what the fuss is about a delta 3D printer? Perhaps you’ve decided to buy one but all of your 3D printing friends are busily perfecting their Cartesian printers. Maybe you find yourself stymied by the fact that your delta printer has very different needs for setup, configuration, calibration, and maintenance than Cartesian printers.

3D Printing with Delta Printers contains detailed descriptions of the innovative delta design including unique hardware, software, and maintenance requirements. The book also covers tips for building your own delta printer as well as examples of common enhancements.

This book will enable you to build, configure, and enhance your delta printer. The topics covered will reveal the often-mysterious nuances of the delta design that will enable your printer to compete with the best of what your 3D printer friends can build.

Physics, Math, Engineering and Geology Models

Book Description:

Learn physics, engineering, and geology concepts usually seen in high school and college in an easy, accessible style.

This second volume addresses these topics for advanced science fair participants or those who just like reading about and understanding science. 3D Printed Science Project Volume 2 describes eight open-source 3D printable models, as well as creative activities using the resulting 3D printed pieces. The files are designed to print as easily as possible, and the authors give tips for printing them on open source printers.

As 3D printers become more and more common and affordable, hobbyists, teachers, parents, and students stall out once they’ve printed some toys and a few household items. To get beyond this, most people benefit from a “starter set” of objects as a beginning point in their explorations, partially just to see what is possible. This book tells you the solid science stories that these models offer, and provides them in open-source repositories.

What You Will Learn:

  • Create (and present the science behind) 3D printed models
  • Review innovative ideas for tactile ways to learn concepts in engineering, geology and physics
  • Learn what makes a models easy or hard to 3D print
Who This Book Is For:

The technology- squeamish teacher and parents who want their kids to learn something from their 3D printer but don’t know how, as well as high schoolers and undergraduates.

Learn how to design 3D-printed objects that work in the real world

Book Description:

Want to model a 3D printed prototype of an object that needs to be replaced or broken? This book will teach you how to accurately measure objects in the real world with a few basic measuring techniques and how to create an object for 3D printing around the objects measured.

In this book, you’ll learn to identify basic shapes from a given object, use Vernier and Digital calipers and grid paper tracing techniques to derive measurements for the objects. With the help of measurements, you’ll see to model these objects using Blender, organize the parts into layers, and later combine them to create the desired object, which in this book is a 3D printable SD card holder ring that fits your finger.

What you will learn

  • Gain techniques to accurately measure the objects with rules, manual calipers, and digital calipers
  • Break down complex geometries into multiple simple shapes and model them in layers using Blender
  • Scale and re-scale a model to fit based on volume or size constraints
  • See how to multishell geometries and auto-intersections using the Boolean Modifier

Ideas for your classroom, science fair or home

Book Description:

This book describes how to create 3D printable models that can help students from kindergarten through grad school learn math, physics, botany, chemistry, engineering and more. Each of the eight topics is designed to be customized by the reader to create a wide range of projects suitable for science fairs, extra credit, or classroom demonstrations. Science fair project suggestions and extensive “where to learn more” resources are included, too. You will add another dimension to your textbook understanding of science.
In this book, you will learn:

To create (and present the science behind) 3D printed models.

To use a 3D printer to create those models as simply as possible.
New science insights from designing 3D models.

Learn to design and 3D print organic and functional designs using Blender

Book Description:

This book will cover the very basic but essential techniques you need to model an organic and functional object for 3D printing using Blender.

Starting with pen and paper and then moving on to the computer, you will create your first project in Blender, add basic geometric shapes, and use techniques such as extruding and subdividing to transform these shapes into complex meshes. You will learn how modifiers can automatically refine the shape further and combine multiple shapes into a single 3D printable model.

By the end of the book, you will have gained enough practical hands-on experience to be able to create a 3D printable object of your choice, which in this case is a 3D print-ready octopus pencil holder.

What you will learn

  • Get to know the guiding principles required to create 3D printer-friendly models
  • Understand material characteristics, printing specifications, tolerances, and design tips
  • Master the art of modifying basic shapes with Blender’s powerful editing tools: extrude, loop cuts, and other transformations
  • Learn techniques of editing complex meshes, smoothing, combining shapes, and exporting them into STL files for printing