A Guide to Planning, Organizing, and Troubleshooting

Book Description:

Organize a Civic Apps Competition (CAC) in your city. This practical guide provides best practices for each phase of the process, based largely on the authors’ firsthand experience planning and managing Apps for Metro Chicago (A4MC). You’ll learn everything from setting goals and creating a budget to running the competition and measuring the outcome.

CACs provide software programmers with platforms for building effective apps, using open government data as a way to foster community involvement and make government more transparent. This handbook helps you address serious questions about the process and shows you what’s required for making your competition successful.

  • Gain insights from the authors’ survey of 15 CACs in the US and Canada
  • Get guidelines for establishing specific goals, and evaluate results with reliable metrics
  • Understand major costs involved and build a budget around partners and sponsors
  • Determine participation incentives, prize categories, and judging
  • Avoid unstructured data sets by being selective when choosing public datasets
  • Learn how the authors handled roadblocks during the A4MC competition
  • Discover ways to sustain lasting community interest once the CAC is over

An Authoritative Guide to Building Microservices, Web and Enterprise Applications, and Best Practices

Book Description:

Quickly and productively develop complex Spring applications and microservices out of the box, with minimal concern over things like configurations. This revised book will show you how to fully leverage the Spring Boot 2 technology and how to apply it to create enterprise ready applications that just work.  It will also cover what’s been added to the new Spring Boot 2 release, including Spring Framework 5 features like WebFlux, Security, Actuator and the new way to expose Metrics through Micrometer framework, and more.

This book is your authoritative hands-on practical guide for increasing your enterprise Java and cloud application productivity while decreasing development time. It’s a no nonsense guide with case studies of increasing complexity throughout the book. The author, a senior solutions architect and Principal Technical instructor with Pivotal, the company behind the Spring Framework, shares his experience, insights and first-hand knowledge about how Spring Boot technology works and best practices.

Pro Spring Boot 2 is an essential book for your Spring learning and reference library.

What You Will Learn

  • Configure and use Spring Boot
  • Use non-functional requirements with Spring Boot Actuator
  • Carry out web development with Spring Boot
  • Persistence with JDBC, JPA and NoSQL Databases
  • Messaging with JMS, RabbitMQ and WebSockets
  • Test and deploy with Spring Boot
  • A quick look at the Spring Cloud projects
  • Microservices and deployment to the Cloud
  • Extend Spring Boot by creating your own Spring Boot Starter and @Enable feature

Who This Book Is For

Experienced Spring and Java developers seeking increased productivity gains and decreased complexity and development time in their applications and software services.

Best Practices for Sysadmins in the Amazon Cloud

Book Description:

With platforms designed for rapid adaptation and failure recovery such as Amazon Web Services, cloud computing is more like programming than traditional system administration. Tools for automatic scaling and instance replacement allow even small DevOps teams to manage massively scalable application infrastructures—if team members drop their old views of development and operations and start mastering automation.

This comprehensive guide shows developers and system administrators how to configure and manage AWS services including EC2, CloudFormation, Elastic Load Balancing, S3, and Route 53. Sysadms will learn will learn to automate their favorite tools and processes; developers will pick up enough ops knowledge to build a robust and resilient AWS application infrastructure.

  • Launch instances with EC2 or CloudFormation
  • Securely deploy and manage your applications with AWS tools
  • Learn to automate AWS configuration management with Python and Puppet
  • Deploy applications with Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing
  • Explore approaches for deploying application and infrastructure updates
  • Save time on development and operations with reusable components
  • Learn strategies for managing log files in AWS environments
  • Configure a cloud-aware DNS service with Route 53
  • Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor your infrastructure and applications

Techniques and Principles for Building Large-Scale, Mission-Critical Applications

Book Description:

Build large-scale, mission-critical hardened applications on the Azure cloud platform. This 2nd edition provides information on the newer features in Azure, such as Linux extensions and supporting Azure Services such as HDInsight and SQL Server on Linux. Updated with new applications Hardening Azure Applications also discusses Scale Sets (VMSS), a major upgrade that enables autoscaling and seamlessly makes machines ready for high availability.

The authors take you step by step through the process of evaluating and building applications with the appropriate hardness attributes. After a small introduction to cloud computing, you will learn about various cloud and hardened cloud applications in detail. Next, you will discover service fundamentals such as instrumentation, telemetry, and monitoring followed by key application experiences. Further, you will cover availability and the economics of 9s. Towards the end, you will see how to secure your application and learn about the modernization of software organisations, a new topic in this edition.

After reading this book, you will master the techniques and engineering principles that every architect and developer needs to know to harden their Azure/.NET applications to ensure maximum reliability and high availability when deployed at scale.

What You Will Learn

  • Use techniques and principles to harden Azure/.NET applications
  • Secure your applications on Azure
  • Create a scale set on Azure
  • Work with service fundamentals such as instrumentation, telemetry, and monitoring

Who This Book Is For

Developers and IT professionals who are working on Azure applications.

Book Description:

Amazon Web Services in Action, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to computing, storing, and networking in the AWS cloud. You’ll find clear, relevant coverage of all the essential AWS services you to know, emphasizing best practices for security, high availability and scalability.

Foreword by Ben Whaley, AWS community hero and author.

Book Description:

Azure in Action is a fast-paced tutorial intended for architects and developers looking to develop cloud-based applications on the Windows Azure Platform. Written by two of Microsoft’s leading Azure evangelists, it’s designed both for readers new to cloud concepts and for those familiar with cloud development but new to Azure.

Starting with core concepts, the book explores designing and scaling front-end and back-end services that run in the cloud, and more advanced scenarios in Windows Azure. Later chapters introduce the rest of the Azure Services Platform with a particular focus on SQL Azure Database.

Advanced Multicast Concepts and Large-Scale Multicast Design (Networking Technology)

Book Description:

Design, operate, and troubleshoot advanced Cisco IP multicast in enterprise, data center, and service provider networks

IP Multicast, Volume II thoroughly covers advanced IP multicast designs and protocols specific to Cisco routers and switches. It offers a pragmatic discussion of common features, deployment models, and field practices for advanced Cisco IP multicast networks, culminating with commands and methodologies for implementation and advanced troubleshooting.

After fully discussing inter-domain routing and Internet multicast, the authors thoroughly explain multicast scalability, transport diversification, and multicast MPLS VPNs. They share in-depth insights into multicast for the data center, a full chapter of best-practice design solutions, and a start-to-finish troubleshooting methodology designed for complex environments.

Reflecting the authors’ extensive experience with service provider and enterprise networks, IP Multicast, Volume II will be indispensable to IP multicast engineers, architects, operations technicians, consultants, security professionals, and collaboration specialists. Network managers and administrators will find its case studies and feature explanations especially valuable.

Understand the fundamental requirements for inter-domain multicast
Design control planes for identifying source and receiver, as well as the downstream control plane
Support multicast transport where cloud service providers don’t support native multicast
Use multicast VPNs to logically separate traffic on the same physical infrastructure
Explore the unique nuances of multicast in the data center
Implement Virtual Port Channel (vPC), Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN), and Cisco’s Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
Design multicast solutions for specific industries or applications
Walk through examples of best-practice multicast deployments
Master an advanced methodology for troubleshooting large IP multicast networks

Quickly Turn Python ML Ideas into Web Applications on the Serverless Cloud

Book Description:

Take your Python machine learning ideas and create serverless web applications accessible by anyone with an Internet connection. Some of the most popular serverless cloud providers are covered in this book―Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and PythonAnywhere.

You will work through a series of common Python data science problems in an increasing order of complexity. The practical projects presented in this book are simple, clear, and can be used as templates to jump-start many other types of projects. You will learn to create a web application around numerical or categorical predictions, understand the analysis of text, create powerful and interactive presentations, serve restricted access to data, and leverage web plugins to accept credit card payments and donations. You will get your projects into the hands of the world in no time.

Each chapter follows three steps: modeling the right way, designing and developing a local web application, and deploying onto a popular and reliable serverless cloud provider. You can easily jump to or skip particular topics in the book. You also will have access to Jupyter notebooks and code repositories for complete versions of the code covered in the book.

What You’ll Learn

  • Extend your machine learning models using simple techniques to create compelling and interactive web dashboards
  • Leverage the Flask web framework for rapid prototyping of your Python models and ideas
  • Create dynamic content powered by regression coefficients, logistic regressions, gradient boosting machines, Bayesian classifications, and more
  • Harness the power of TensorFlow by exporting saved models into web applications
  • Create rich web dashboards to handle complex real-time user input with JavaScript and Ajax to yield interactive and tailored content
  • Create dashboards with paywalls to offer subscription-based access
  • Access API data such as Google Maps, OpenWeather, etc.
  • Apply different approaches to make sense of text data and return customized intelligence
  • Build an intuitive and useful recommendation site to add value to users and entice them to keep coming back
  • Utilize the freemium offerings of Google Analytics and analyze the results
  • Take your ideas all the way to your customer’s plate using the top serverless cloud providers

Who This Book Is For

Those with some programming experience with Python, code editing, and access to an interpreter in working order. The book is geared toward entrepreneurs who want to get their ideas onto the web without breaking the bank, small companies without an IT staff, students wanting exposure and training, and for all data science professionals ready to take things to the next level.

Best Practices for Designing High Volume Websites

Book Description:

In this book, the CEO of Cazton, Inc. and internationally-acclaimed speaker, Chander Dhall, demonstrates current website design scalability patterns and takes a pragmatic approach to explaining their pros and cons to show you how to select the appropriate pattern for your site. He then tests the patterns by deliberately forcing them to fail and exposing potential flaws before discussing how to design the optimal pattern to match your scale requirements. The author explains the use of polyglot programming and how to match the right patterns to your business needs. He also details several No-SQL patterns and explains the fundamentals of different paradigms of No-SQL by showing complementary strategies of using them along with relational databases to achieve the best results. He also teaches how to make the scalability pattern work with a real-world microservices pattern.

With the proliferation of countless electronic devices and the ever growing number of Internet users, the scalability of websites has become an increasingly important challenge. Scalability, even though highly coveted, may not be so easy to achieve. Think that you can’t attain responsiveness along with scalability? Chander Dhall will demonstrate that, in fact, they go hand in hand.

What You’ll Learn

  • Architect and develop applications so that they are easy to scale.
  • Learn different scaling and partitioning options and the combinations.
  • Learn techniques to speed up responsiveness.
  • Deep dive into caching, column-family databases, document databases, search engines and RDBMS.
  • Learn scalability and responsiveness concepts that are usually ignored.
  • Effectively balance scalability, performance, responsiveness, and availability while minimizing downtime.

Who This Book Is For

Executives (CXOs), software architects , developers, and IT Pros

A Guide to Wave Platform, Builder, and Explorer

Book Description:

In this age of data economy, data analytics is recognized as a key differentiator for companies trying to gain a sustainable competitive advantage and outperform their peers. However, the complexity of establishing an analytical architecture due to a wide array of disparate technical capabilities offered by a plethora of vendors makes the deployment of an on-premise solution a daunting task. For this reason, the Salesforce Analytics Cloud has captured the imagination from of both IT and business communities.

The Salesforce Analytics Cloud represents the rethinking of analytics for the business user. The Analytics Cloud is a cloud-based platform designed for the business user to have access to analytics “on the go,” providing answers to questions instantly on any device. This mobile-ready capability of the Salesforce Analytics Cloud means users can immediately collaborate and share insights with team members right inside Salesforce. Pro Salesforce Analytics Cloud

  • A practical guide to Salesforce Analytics Cloud, including Wave Platform, Builder, and Explorer.
  • Detailed business analytics use cases in various industries (e.g., retail, healthcare, financial services, and telecommunications).
  • Architecture and best practices for integration, security, hybrid cloud coexistence, and governance.

Pro Sal

esforce Analytics Cloud is the first comprehensive book on Salesforce Analytics and provides a holistic architecture view of different analytical capabilities and how they fit into the overall information architecture. It features real-world industry use cases and demonstrates how Salesforce’s Analytics Cloud solves business challenges and brings real value to the organization.

Building, Enhancing, and Managing an Online Community with Salesforce Community Cloud

Book Description:

Whether you are brand new to the world of Salesforce communities or you are looking to take your Community Cloud knowledge to the next level, this detailed guide will help you to build and manage a Salesforce community by leveraging the declarative power of the platform with clicks, not code.

Each Salesforce community is a part of a widespread ecosystem, with thousands of communities and millions of users active today on Community Cloud. Through valuable social and business tools, this online platform enables companies to empower and equip their customers, partners, and employees in new, powerful ways.

In this book, Philip Weinmeister, a Salesforce MVP and the first-ever recipient of the “Community Cloud MVP” Trailblazer award, leads you through the ins and outs of Salesforce communities and provides you with an array of best practices to deliver top-notch business portals on the Salesforce platform.

Practical Guide to Salesforce Communities is the first book to comprehensively cover this next-generation offering from Salesforce, providing real, actionable guidance to help individuals build effective and engaging online communities. The book takes you through the entire process: from planning and designing a community to configuration/build, setup, and administration, all the way to deployment. Detailed explanations are provided of key components, templates, and features such as Community Builder, Audience Targeting, Lightning Bolts, and much more. Additionally, considerations and best practices are covered, including valuable tips and insights.

What You’ll Learn

  • Plan and design a community
  • Conceptualize how employees, partners, and customers use and benefit from communities
  • Assess available templates and make an informed selection decision
  • Use Community Builder and Lightning components within a Lightning community template
  • Apply topics and knowledge articles to a community to increase value and adoption
  • Inject process automation into a community using Workflow, Flow, and Process Builder
  • Create dynamic and personalized user experiences with audience targeting
  • Build, export, and import unique templates with the Lightning Bolt solution framework
  • Provide community data for members or community managers

Who This Book Is For

Salesforce administrators, Salesforce developers, Salesforce functional architects, Salesforce business analysts, and Salesforce community managers

Design and Implementation of APIs for the Cloud

Book Description:

Learn the business and technical importance of API design and architecture using the available cloud services from Azure and AWS.

This book starts off with an introduction to APIs and the concept of API Economy from a business and organizational perspective. You’ll decide on a sustainable API strategy and API architecture based on different case scenarios.

You’ll then look at actual examples on API development guidelines, providing a practical view and approach towards the API development and aligning teams in API development. This book walks you through the API gateway services available in Azure and AWS and reviews different approaches to API Security. This will prepare you for understanding the trade-off between security and the frictionless API experience.

What You’ll Learn

  • Implement API Gateways to streamline API Development
  • Examine Security Mapping with API gateways from Azure and AWS
  • Apply API implementation using Serverless architecture
  • Review evolving APIs for monitoring and changing business requirements
  • Use code samples in API security implementations
Who This Book Is For

Developers and architects with .NET and web development experience who want to learn about API design.

From Beginner to Pro

Book Description:

Learn to use NATS and messaging as a solution for communication between services. The NATS project has been around since 2010, but it has become more popular in recent years due to how well it fits into the paradigm of cloud native applications and microservices architectures. It’s fast becoming a very attractive option thanks to its great performance characteristics–a single server can push millions of messages per second–and overall simple design.

First you will learn the fundamentals of NATS, such as its design, protocol and the styles of communications it enables, internals of the NATS clients, and how to use the basic API provided by all the official clients. You will also understand how to setup and configure NATS servers using the configuration file.

Next you’ll work with real-world projects and see how to develop a production-ready cloud native application using NATS as the control plane over which clients communicate. Finally you’ll learn advanced usage of the NATS clients, such as implementing heartbeats based failure detectors, tracing or collecting multiple responses from a single request.

Perhaps you are familiar with REST-style APIs, and want to make the transition into a messaging-based approach instead. Practical NATS is the perfect place to start.

What You’ll Learn

  • Use NATS to build applications which use it as the control plane for communication among components
  • Explore the fundamentals of NATS such as how the protocol works under the hood to more advanced communication styles which are possible with the basic building blocks provided by the client
  • Setup, operate, and configure NATS servers, as well as how to troubleshoot common failure scenarios

Who This Book Is For

Anyone looking for a solution for some of the problems which come along with microservices and cloud native application development, such as service discovery, low latency requests, load balancing, tracing and monitoring for example. Also adopters of NATS who need further help getting started using it. Ideally you should have some familiarity with Go as that is the language of the code examples.

Book Description:

Get ready for the CompTIA Cloud+ Exam CV0-002 with this comprehensive resource

If you’re looking to earn the challenging, but rewarding CompTIA Cloud+ certification—and a career in cloud services, then this book is the ideal resource for you. CompTIA Cloud+ Study Guide Exam CV0-002, 2nd Edition will not only help you prepare for taking the new CompTIA Coud+ Exam CV0-002, it will provide you with thorough coverage of the important topics that every cloud computing professional needs to be familiar with, including: configuration and deployment; security; maintenance; management; and troubleshooting.

This comprehensive resource covers all aspects of cloud computing infrastructure and administration, with a practical focus on real-world skills. It provides you with a year of FREE access to Sybex’s superior online interactive learning environment and test bank, including chapter tests, practice exams, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms.

  • Master the fundamental concepts, terminology, and characteristics of cloud computing
  • Deploy and implement cloud solutions, manage the infrastructure, and monitor performance
  • Install, configure, and manage virtual machines and devices
  • Get up to speed on hardware, testing, deployment, and more

Whether you’re experienced or just starting out, the Cloud+ certification identifies you as the professional these companies need to ensure safe, seamless, functional cloud services, and The CompTIA Cloud+ Study Guide Exam CV0-002 provides the tools you need to be confident on exam day.

Book Description:

Spring Microservices in Action teaches you how to build microservice-based applications using Java and the Spring platform. You’ll learn to do microservice design as you build and deploy your first Spring Cloud application. Throughout the book, carefully selected real-life examples expose microservice-based patterns for configuring, routing, scaling, and deploying your services. You’ll see how Spring’s intuitive tooling can help augment and refactor existing applications with micro services.

What’s Inside

Core microservice design principles
Managing configuration with Spring Cloud Config
Client-side resiliency with Spring, Hystrix, and Ribbon
Intelligent routing using Netflix Zuul
Deploying Spring Cloud applications
About the Reader

This book is written for developers with Java and Spring experience.

Book Description:

Get ready to jump into the Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud is the most popular suite of tools among creative professionals, and a valuable resource you can use to fulfill all of your design goals. Ready to get started? The only book on the market of its kind, AdobeCreative Cloud All-in-One For Dummies is written by designers for designers. It will provide you with expert instruction that spans seven mini-books, with helpful information that can grant insight regardless of your current level of knowledge.

Experience with Adobe Creative Cloud is a marketable skill, and this all-in-one reference guide will help you add InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, Photoshop CC, Acrobat Pro, Adobe Bridge, and Adobe Experience Design to your resume. With more than 800 pages of content, this detailed guide will give you confidence you need to use Adobe photography and graphic design tools to edit photos, make original designs and layouts, and let your creativity shine with Adobe Creative Cloud.

  • Learn design basics and utilize more advanced features
  • Protect your documents with Acrobat Pro
  • Find tips and tricks to make each program work better

From 3D images and vivid illustrations to dynamic web pages and interactive effects, Adobe Creative Cloud All-in-One For Dummies shows you how to do it all!

Book Description:

The Cisco expert guide to planning, deploying, and operating virtual routing with the CSR 1000V Cloud Services Router

Virtual routing and the Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR 1000V) are key enablers of today’s revolutionary shift to elastic cloud applications and low-cost virtualized networking. Now, there’s an authoritative, complete guide to building real solutions with the Cisco CSR 1000V platform.

Three leading experts cover every essential building block, present key use cases and configuration examples, illuminate design and deployment scenarios, and show how the CSR 1000V platform and APIs can enable state-of-the-art software-defined networks (SDN). Drawing on extensive early adopter experience, they illuminate crucial OS and hypervisor details, help you overcome migration challenges, and offer practical guidance for monitoring and operations.

This guide is an essential resource for all technical professionals planning or deploying data center and enterprise cloud services, and for all cloud network operators utilizing the Cisco CSR 1000V or future Cisco virtual routing platforms.

·         Review the fundamentals of cloud virtualization, multitenant data-center design, and software-defined networking

·         Understand the Cisco CSR 1000V’s role, features, and infrastructure requirements

·         Compare server hypervisor technologies for managing VM hardware with CSR 1000V deployments

·         Understand CSR 1000V software architecture, control and data-plane design, licensing requirements, and packet flow

·         Walk through common virtual router scenarios and configurations, including multiple cloud and data center examples

·         Integrate CSR 1000V into the OpenStack SDN framework, and use its APIs to solve specific problems

·         Master a best-practice workflow for deploying the CSR 1000V

·         Use the Cisco management tools to automate, orchestrate, and troubleshoot virtualized routing

Developing for Global Scale

Book Description:

Build .NET apps on Microsoft Azure services that can grow to Internet scale. Learn how you can make smart application architecture decisions and follow best practices so that your website can handle tens of thousands of concurrent users and deliver your content globally.

Author Rob Reagan takes you through key Azure technologies targeted toward building web applications, and along the way shares his lessons learned in scaling out a real-world web application. After an overview of web application building blocks, the book dives into relational and NoSQL data storage options on Azure, including Azure Table Storage and CosmosDB. You’ll then discover how to make best use of Redis Cache, Web Jobs, Messaging Queues, and more, alongside other tips, tricks, and troubleshooting advice for when things go wrong. The book concludes with a thorough exploration of best practices for deployment at scale.

What You’ll Learn

  • Develop scalable architecture patterns on Azure with ASP.NET MVC
  • Understand the pros and cons of using SQL Azure vs. NoSQL solutions (Azure Tables, CosmosDB)
  • Perform data migration, backup, and recovery in SQL Azure
  • Use effective caching
  • Troubleshoot your web applications
  • Know best practices for deployment

Who This Book Is For

Professional developers or serious hobbyists with experience developing web applications with ASP.NET MVC or Web API

Enable virtualization, automation, and efficient cloud management in your environment with vRealize Automation 6.2

Book Description:

vRealize Automation 6.2 orchestrates the provisioning of infrastructure, applications, and customized services delivered from a self-service web portal. Administrators provide end users resources to consume, such as Operating Systems, and Applications, through a customized web portal and catalog. From the end user perspective, its like shopping for IT resources through an online merchant portal. Administrators get to offload the repetitive portions of their job, such as building VMs, by creating Blueprints that deploy VMs on demand. This ensures uniformity in the VMs and timeliness in their delivery, while providing agility for the IT team to handle other responsibilities outside of provisioning infrastructure and applications.

The book opens with an overview of the history and features of vRealize Automation and moves into the basic components required to set up vRA, as well as some of the best practices. You are guided through the steps to design your vRealize Automation environment and introduced to integration point, including SCCM and Kickstart deployments, as well as Linked Clones. You will learn about Approval Policies and why they are useful for your infrastructure, and how to efficiently set them up. You will learn how to integrate other products, such as vRealize Operations Manager and Orchestrator. Throughout the book, you are provided insights into some of the common errors and pitfalls that occur during installation and maintenance, as well as how to resolve them.

Finally, the book provides a valuable list of references to enhance your knowledge of vRealize Automation 6.2.

Who This Book Is For

Mastering vRealize Automation 6.2 is intended for readers who already have advanced knowledge of vCenter and want to utilize automation and orchestration to provision their infrastructure. However, no previous experience with vRealize Automation is necessary. If you want design best practices, step-by-step implementation guidance, and real world configuration examples, this book will be the perfect companion.

What You Will Learn

  • Master Installation, configuration, and customization vRealize Automation 6.2
  • Integrate SCCM, Kickstart, and WIM deployment servers with vRealize Automation
  • Easy-to-follow integration steps for using vRealize Orchestrator, Operations Manager, and Application Services with vRealize Automation 6.2
  • Avoid common pitfalls during the configuration and customization process
  • Integrate vRealize Application Services and Orchestrator
  • vRealize Automation design concepts and best practices for small, medium, or large enterprise environments
  • Create Approval Policies to govern the amount of resources end users can consume when provisioning infrastructure
  • Create multiple machine blueprints to leverage the existing deployment methods in your environment

Plan and execute a successful Office 365 Exchange Online migration with ease

Book Description:

Organizations are migrating to the cloud to save money, become more efficient, and empower their users with the latest technology. Office 365 delivers all of this in a reliable, fast, and ever-expanding way, keeping you ahead of the competition. As the IT administrator of your network, you need to make the transition as painless as possible for your users. Learn everything you need to know and exactly what to do to ensure your Office 365 Exchange online migration is a success!

This guide gives you everything you need to develop a successful migration plan to move from Exchange, Google, POP3, and IMAP systems to Office 365 with ease. We start by providing an overview of the Office 365 plans available and how to make a decision on what plan fits your organization. We then dive into topics such as the Office 365 Admin Portal, integration options for professionals and small businesses, integration options for enterprises, preparing for a simple migration, performing a simple migration, and preparing for a hybrid deployment. Later in the book, we look at migration options for Skype for Business and SharePoint to further help you leverage the latest collaborative working technologies within your organization.

About This Book

  • This book gives you the most up-to-date and accurate information available today on online migration with Microsoft Office 365
  • Discover the very best migration path for your small or enterprise network and avoid costly mistakes
  • Learn from seasoned professionals who migrate small businesses to multinational companies from around the world on a daily basis

Who This Book Is For

If you are an appointed IT person or an IT administrator who is part of a large internal team in your organization, then this book is for you. If you are a small business owner, manager, or consultant, this book will also help you. Knowledge of Office 365 is not required. However, experience with Exchange Server and mail clients, and role and delegation concepts is required.

What You Will Learn

  • Sign up for an Office 365 account and configure your e-mail domains
  • Migrate mailboxes from Exchange server, Google, and any other POP3 or IMAP based system in to Office 365
  • Configure a hybrid configuration by using Azure AD Connect to synchronize your on-premises Active Directory with Office 365
  • Deploy Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) to enable Single sign on and streamline the login process for your users
  • Set up a hybrid Exchange configuration and host mailboxes locally or in the cloud and move mailboxes between the two with ease
  • Configure a public folder hybrid and share existing on-premises public folders with users hosted in Exchange online
  • Setup a hybrid Skype for Business (SFB) configuration and move users into SFB online
  • Configure a SharePoint configuration, allowing users to create and search content hosted on an existing SharePoint server as well as in SharePoint online