Using AWS Lambda and Claudia.js

Book Description:

Serverless Applications with Node.js walks you through building serverless apps on AWS using JavaScript. Inside, you’ll discover what Claudia.js brings to the table as you build and deploy a scalable event-based serverless application, based around a pizzeria that’s fully integrated with AWS services, including Lambda and API Gateway. Each chapter is filled with exercises, examples, tips, and more to make sure you’re ready to bring what you’ve learned into your own work.

Master this powerful build automation tool to streamline your application development

Book Description:

Grunt.js continues to excel as the build automation tool of choice. Along with its support for many third-party technologies, Grunt is packaged with a clean API for defining tasks. This powerful tool can streamline your workflow by automating the preparation tasks for production, such as compression, compilation, obfuscation, testing, and even pushing your web application live. This book will teach you how to master build automation and testing with Grunt. You will have the opportunity to utilize the latest and in-demand web tools, such as Git, Jade, CoffeeScript, Sass, and the Mocha testing engine, across several exciting projects by combining Grunt with them. You will also learn to create a project– a simple Bulletin Board System (BBS), which will explain the use of Grunt alongside the Mocha testing library to automate testing throughout the build process.

Mastering Grunt will demonstrate how to leverage Grunt with other technologies to become an expert in build automation, teaching you the best practices for modern web development along the way.

Book Description:

The Elixir language blends the battle-tested power and stability of the Erlang virtual machine with an approachable and expressive syntax.

Elixir in Action, Second Edition teaches you how to use the Elixir programming language to solve the practical problems of scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability. This new edition is fully updated to cover Elixir 1.7 with new and improved code examples.

Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8

Book Description:

Understand functional programming concepts and the functional nature of the JavaScript language. Starting with an introduction to functional programming concepts, you will learn the key differences between imperative and functional programming. Diving straight into JavaScript functions, you will learn to write them with ES8. Followed by this you will move to higher order functions and learn how ‘Function as Data’ opens up a world of possibilities.

You will then build higher order functions with closures. Arrays will then be introduced, followed by a set of APIs you can use with them. You will learn how to transform one function to another using currying and partial application. The compose function will be discussed in detail, followed by functors and monads. After having an in-depth look at applicative functors, you will learn the new features offered in ES8.

The concluding chapters of Beginning Functional JavaScript will show you how to use a functional toolkit to build a small library that allows you to develop web applications, followed by tips on testing your functional code.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover functional programming concepts such as string padding and async functions
  • Identify how functions are treated in JavaScript
  • Create a functional library that mimics Underscore.JS
  • Deep dive into ES8 functional features such as spread operators and generators
  • Create a library that works like the react-redux pattern by following the functional paradigm

Who This Book Is For

Novice JavaScript developers.

Book Description:

Adobe AIR is one of the hottest topics in rich application development. This exciting new technology is still in beta, but it’s already being adopted by such web giants as eBay. With AIR, Web developers use their existing skills to build rich applications that flow seamlessly between the internet and the desktop.

Adobe AIR in Action introduces AIR to developers familiar with Flex and JavaScript, showing them how to build solid AIR-driven desktop and hybrid applications. Using small examples, the expert authors walk web developers through the new topics they will need to develop AIR applications for the desktop. Readers will learn the essential features of the AIR API with examples and code samples that web professionals can use to get up and running in AIR quickly. The book describes how to create and customize native windows, read and write files and folders on the local file system.

Web developers who read this book will be able to take instant advantage of the increased resources available to desktop applications. Sometimes-connected, web-enabled applications are gaining in popularity, and web developers of all stripes will want to add these skills to their toolbox.

Purchase of the print book comes with an offer of a free PDF, ePub, and Kindle eBook from Manning. Also available is all code from the book.

Book Description:

Electron in Action guides you, step-by-step, as you learn to build cross-platform desktop applications that run on Windows, OSX, and Linux. By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to build simple, snappy applications using JavaScript, Node, and the Electron framework.

Book Description:

Dart in Action introduces Google’s Dart language and provides techniques and examples showing how to use it as a viable replacement for Java and JavaScript in browser-based desktop and mobile applications. It begins with a rapid overview of Dart language and tools, including features like interacting with the browser, optional typing, classes, libraries, and concurrency with isolates. After you master the core concepts, you’ll move on to running Dart on the server and creating single page HTML5 web applications.

Building Accessible and Performant Web Apps

Book Description:

Get a brisk introduction to building fast, interactive single-page web applications with Vue.js, the popular JavaScript framework that organizes and simplifies web development. With this practical guide, you’ll quickly move from basics to custom components and advanced features—including JSX, the JavaScript syntax extension.

Author Callum Macrae shows you how to use the most useful libraries in the Vue ecosystem, such as vue-router for routing, vuex for state management, and vue-test-utils for testing. If you’re a frontend developer familiar with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this book will show you how to develop a fully featured web application using Vue.

  • Learn Vue.js basics, including its use of templates to display data on a page
  • Set up Vue projects from scratch, or use vue-cli to set up from a template
  • Create a maintainable codebase by splitting code into self-contained components
  • Discover how Vue.js works with CSS to style your websites and applications
  • Use render functions and JSX, rather than templates, to determine what Vue displays
  • Control how code is executed and displayed with vue-router
  • Manage state in one centralized place with the Vuex library
  • Write unit tests to ensure your Vue components don’t break in the future

Book Description:

Get the basics on four key web programming tools in one great book!

PHP, JavaScript, and HTML5 are essential programming languages for creating dynamic websites that work with the MySQL database. PHP and MySQL provide a robust, easy-to-learn, open-source solution for creating superb e-commerce sites and content management. JavaScript and HTML5 add support for the most current multimedia effects. This one-stop guide gives you what you need to know about all four! Seven self-contained minibooks cover web technologies, HTML5 and CSS3, PHP programming, MySQL databases, JavaScript, PHP with templates, and web applications.

  • Addresses how PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and HTML5 are vital tools for creating dynamic, database-driven websites and are especially important for e-commerce sites
  • Serves as essential reading for web designers who are new to these technologies, offering a crash course covering all of these powerful technologies in this handy volume of seven self-contained minibooks
  • Covers how to program in PHP and how to create and administer a MySQL database as well as how to manipulate MySQL data via a web interface
  • Shows how to create a secure website and how to code popular e-business applications such as login programs and shopping carts

With seven books in one, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies will turn your website into the center of attention in no time at all.

Learn to Build Single Page Applications in Vue from Scratch

Book Description:

Learn how to render lists of items without repeating your code structure and how to work with conditional rendering items and event handling. Containing all you need to know to get started with Vue.js, this book will take you through using build tools (transpile to ES5), creating custom components, state management, and routers.

With Getting to Know Vue.js, you’ll see how to combine reusable code with custom components, allowing you to create snippets of reusable code to suit your specific business needs. You’ll also explore how to use Single File Components and the Vue.js Command Line Interface (CLI) to build components in a single file and add in build tools as you see fit.

Getting started with a new Single Page Application (SPA) JavaScript framework can be an overwhelming task, but Vue.js makes this daunting task simple and easy to learn, allowing you to start implementing business needs with just a script reference to the library and the custom JavaScript required for your use case. Starting with a little reference and a handful of lines of custom JavaScript, you will have a complete Single Page Application before you know it.

What You’ll Learn

  • Examine Vue.js templating syntax
  • Work with binding methods
  • Manage the state of your app by comparing your options of building a data store
  • Adapt the more robust options compatible with Vue.js
  • Review different router options, including creating your own router, using the Vue-router and using Page.js.

Who This Book Is For

Software developers with an understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript; prior understanding of a Single Page Application framework would be useful but not essential.

Build on your Basic Knowledge of HTML5 and JavaScript to Create Substantial HTML5 Applications

Book Description:

Build on your basic knowledge of HTML5 and JavaScript to create substantial HTML5 applications. Through the many interesting projects you can create in this book, you’ll develop HTML5 skills for future projects, and extend the core skills you may have learned with its companion book, The Essential Guide to HTML5.

HTML5 and JavaScript Projects is fully updated as a second edition and covers important programming techniques and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript features to help you build projects with images, animation, video, audio and line drawings. You’ll learn how to build games, quizzes and other interactive projects; incorporate the use of the Google Maps API and localStorage; and address the challenges of Responsive Design and Accessibility.

Each project starts out with a description of the example’s operation, often with full-color illustrations.  You’ll then review the HTML5 and JavaScript concepts that relate to the project followed by a step-by-step explanation of the programming used. Tables are used to show the relationship of functions and provide comments for each line of code so that you can easily apply the techniques to your own HTML5 projects.​

What You’ll Learn

  • Enhance your HTML5 and JavaScript programming skills.
  • Poduce applications combining Canvas drawings, photos, and videos
  • Incorporate Google Maps and geolocation into your projects
  • Build applications requiring persistent data, storing the information locally or on a database on the server
Who This Book Is For

Developers who have some knowledge of programming and want to build more substantial applications by combining basic features and combining JavaScript with other technologies.

Declarative Data Fetching for Modern Web Apps

Book Description:

Why is GraphQL the most innovative technology for fetching data since Ajax? By providing a query language for your APIs and a runtime for fulfilling queries with your data, GraphQL presents a clear alternative to REST and ad hoc web service architectures. With this practical guide, Alex Banks and Eve Porcello deliver a clear learning path for frontend web developers, backend engineers, and project and product managers looking to get started with GraphQL.

You’ll explore graph theory, the graph data structure, and GraphQL types before learning hands-on how to build a schema for a photo-sharing application. This book also introduces you to Apollo Client, a popular framework you can use to connect GraphQL to your user interface.

  • Explore graph theory and review popular graph examples in use today
  • Learn how GraphQL applies database querying methods to the internet
  • Create a schema for a PhotoShare application that serves as a roadmap and a contract between the frontend and backend teams
  • Use JavaScript to build a fully functioning GraphQL service and Apollo to implement a client
  • Learn how to prepare GraphQL APIs and clients for production

Book Description:

React in Action introduces front-end developers to the React framework and related tools. This clearly written, example-rich book begins by introducing you to React, diving into some of the fundamental ideas in React, and working with components. In the second section, you’ll explore the different ways that data works in React as well as learning more about components. You’ll also find several useful appendixes covering related topics like React tooling and the React ecosystem.

Book Description:

Pro Data Visualization using R and JavaScript makes the R language approachable, and promotes the idea of data gathering and analysis. You’ll see how to use R to interrogate and analyze your data, and then use the D3 JavaScript library to format and display that data in an elegant, informative, and interactive way. You will learn how to gather data effectively, and also how to understand the philosophy and implementation of each type of chart, so as to be able to represent the results visually.

Using Node, Electron, and NW.js

Book Description:

Cross-Platform Desktop Applications guides you step-by-step through creating Node.js desktop applications with NW.js and Electron from GitHub. Foreword by Cheng Zhao, creator of Electron.

About the BooK

Cross-Platform Desktop Applications guides you step by step through the development of desktop applications using Electron and NW.js. This example-filled guide shows you how to create your own file explorer, and then steps through some of the APIs provided by the frameworks to work with the camera, access the clipboard, make a game with keyboard controls, and build a Twitter desktop notification tool. You’ll then learn how to test your applications, and debug and package them as binaries for various OSs.

Book Description:

Building rich applications on the Web using Splunk is now simpler than ever before with the Splunk Web Framework. It empowers developers to build their own web applications with custom dashboards, tables, charts, form searches, and other functionalities in the datasets at their disposal.

The book will start with the fundamentals of the Splunk Web Framework, teaching you the secrets of building interesting and user-friendly applications. In the first application, you will learn to analyze and monitor traffic hitting the NASA website and learn to create dashboards for it. You will then learn additional, and more detailed, techniques to enhance the functionalities of the app such as dashboards and forms, editing simple XML, using simple XML extensions, tokens, post-process searches, dynamic drill-downs, the Splunk Web Framework and REST API, and much more. The second app will use historical stock market data and will create custom dashboards using Splunk Web Framework; the book will now cover important topics such as creating HTML dashboards, enhancing the visual appeal of the app using CSS, and moving your app with SplunkJS.

The book will provide different and interesting examples instead of the usual “Log, Index, Search, and Graph” so that Splunk will be the first tool readers think of to resolve a problem.

What you will learn

  • Master the fundamentals of Splunk Web Framework
  • Start thinking of Splunk as a complete development platform to build user-friendly apps
  • Extend the functionality of your apps using SimpleXML techniques
  • Set up dashboard layouts, navigation, and menus in your apps
  • Create simple dashboard elements including charts and tables
  • Master the art of interacting with searches and dashboards
  • Integrate SplunkJS to add visual appeal to your website

Get started with OpenLayers 3 and enhance your web pages by creating and displaying dynamic maps

Book Description:

This book is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with all the information you need to get started with mapping using the OpenLayers 3 library.

The book starts off by showing you how to create a simple map. Through the course of the book, we will review each component needed to make a map in OpenLayers 3, and you will end up with a full-fledged web map application. You will learn the key role of each OpenLayers 3 component in making a map, and important mapping principles such as projections and layers. You will create your own data files and connect to backend servers for mapping. A key part of this book will also be dedicated to building a mapping application for mobile devices and its specific components.

Who This Book Is For

Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional web developer, if you wish to use maps on your website, then this book is for you. A basic understanding of JavaScript will be helpful, but is not necessary. If you’ve never worked with maps before, this book will introduce you to some common mapping topics and will guide you through the OpenLayers library. Experienced developers can also use this book as a reference to OpenLayers 3 components and to further enhance their knowledge.

What You Will Learn

  • Build a complete, real-world OpenLayers application optimized for production use
  • Work with different raster data sources to create a base map
  • Overlay vector data sources and work with vector features directly
  • Customize the appearance of vector layers
  • Understand the concept of map projections and how to use them
  • Manage and work with interactions such as click and touch
  • Work with controls to enhance the user experience
  • Target mobile platforms and explore challenges presented by mobile development

Book Description:

CSS in Depth exposes you to a world of CSS techniques that range from clever to mind-blowing. This instantly useful book is packed with creative examples and powerful best practices that will sharpen your technical skills and inspire your sense of design.

Foreword by Chris Coyier, Cofounder of CodePen.

Building Node.js Applications with JavaScript

Book Description:

Learn everything you need to master the AdonisJs framework, including topics such as interacting with a database, rendering templates, writing asynchronous code, and hosting sites with SSL. Along the way, you’ll see how to build a commerce application, which lists products and allows shoppers to register and purchase those products. The site will feature a product catalog, a shopping cart, user registration and login, and profile management.

The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs also covers how to create a front-end build chain, so that you can use a modern front-end framework, such as React. You’ll discover how to connect your front end to the server, so that data and transactions can be shared between the two. Finally, you’ll see how to secure and deploy the application to a virtual private server, including how to apply for and install an SSL certificate and start accepting payments.

After reading and using this book, you’ll know all you need about AdonisJs. You’ll have the tools to turn that side-project you’ve been thinking about into a real money-making product. It is written by a web expert and reviewed by the AdonisJs project lead. This is the complete start-to-finish guide you’ve been waiting for.

What You’ll Learn

  • Set up Node.js and AdonisJs, so that you can start building your application
  • Create and use views and template code
  • Implement cooperative multitasking, in JavaScript
  • Represent eventual values with AdonisJs promises
  • Organize and isolate your code in controllers and decorate them with middleware, to do things like authentication
  • Build queries, using the Lucid DSL, and package these database entities up into model classes
  • Validate form data and respond with the appropriate error messages
  • Respond to general framework errors with custom error pages
  • Learn the deeper parts of sessions and cookies
  • Update the state of the user interface with WebSockets
  • Host AdonisJs applications in a modern hosting environment

Who This Book Is For

Readers should have a functional understanding of JavaScript.

Develop rich, interactive, and real-world web applications using knockout.js

Book Description:

KnockoutJS By Example is a project-based guide that introduces the key features and concepts of knockout.js. It helps you create an application skeleton and a Hello World application. You will develop a To-Do list application that aims to show the basic features of knockout.js in action, such as data binding and observables, following which you will develop a dynamic online customer registration form that captures and validates customer information. This book will further walk you through developing a customer banking portal, which demonstrates the use of knockout.js with components such as navigation bars, tabs, carousels, master details view, panels, forms, and wizards. You will also discover how to use token-based authentication and authorization to secure the customer banking portal, and move on to creating an editable products grid with CRUD operations. Finally, you will explore how to use the Google Maps API with knockout.js.

KnockoutJS By Example will not only leave you with a basic understanding of knockout.js fundamentals but also take you through some of the advanced features. It will help you get a web application up and ready instantly.