Wi-Fi Above 100 Mbps

Book Description:

Wireless has finally come of age. With a significant jump in throughput over previous standards, 802.11n is the first wireless technology that doesn’t trade speed for mobility, and users have stormed onto wireless networks with a passion. In this concise guide, Matthew Gast—chair of the IEEE group that produced revision 802.11-2012—shows you why wireless has become the default method of connecting to a network, and provides technical details you need to plan, design, and deploy 802.11n today.

Building a network for the multitude of new devices is now a strategic decision for network engineers everywhere. This book gives you an in-depth look at key parts of 802.11n, and shows you how to achieve an Ethernet-free wireless office.

  • Learn how MIMO’s multiple data streams greatly increase wireless speed
  • Discover how 802.11n modifications improve MAC efficiency
  • Examine advanced PHY features such as beanforming and space-time code block
  • Use advanced MAC features to maintain interoperability with older devices
  • Plan an 802.11n network by determining traffic demand, key applications, power requirements, and security
  • Choose the architecture, select hardware, and plan coverage to design and build your network

Practical concepts and techniques for creating mobile sites and web apps

Book Description:

Mobile Design and Development by Brian Fling is a start to finish guide for designing and building mobile apps regardless of experience, device or platform. Brian took on the daunting challenge to write the mobile guide missing from bookshelves. As Brian describes it “this is a book that teaches people how to cook, not a collection of recipes.” Since its release the book has been incredibly well received. It has being described as a “must have” by many experts in the mobile community. The 16 chapters, and 85,000 words within the book have helped thousands understand and dive into mobile.
The first half is a crash course in the mobile ecosystem: how to develop a strategy, address the mobile context–even how to decide which of the multiple mobile application types is best for you, and finally, how to create a user experience for it. The second half is focused on using these principles to make a mobile website or web app.
Mobile Design and Development is a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the mobile ecosystem. The book covers a great number of topics, however each are described in practical and common sense way—making easy for anyone at any technical level to understand the inner working of the mobile medium.

  • A Brief History of Mobile
  • The Mobile Ecosystem
  • Why Mobile?
  • Designing for Context
  • Developing a Mobile Strategy
  • Types of Mobile Applications
  • Mobile Application Medium Types
  • Mobile Application Media Matrix
  • Mobile Information Architecture
  • Mobile Design
  • The Elements of Mobile Design
  • Mobile Design Tools
  • Mobile Web Apps Versus Native Applications
  • When to Make a Native Application
  • When to Make a Mobile Web Application
  • Mobile 2.0
  • Mobile Web Development
  • Mobile Markup
  • Mobile CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
  • Mobile JavaScript
  • iPhone Web Apps
  • iPhone Markup
  • iPhone CSS
  • iPhone Javascript
  • Creating a Mobile Web App
  • Web Apps as Native Apps
  • Tools and Libraries
  • Adapting to Devices
  • Device Targeting
  • Full Adaptation
  • What Domain Do I Use?
  • Making Money in Mobile
  • Working with an App Store
  • Mobile Advertising
  • Supporting Devices
  • Device Testing
  • Desktop Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • The Future of Mobile

If you’re a web designer, web developer, information architect, product manager, usability professional, content publisher, or an entrepreneur new to the mobile, Mobile Design and Development provides you with the knowledge you need to work with this rapidly developing technology.

Programming with the Google SDK

Book Description:

This practical book provides the concepts and code you need to develop software with Android, the open-source platform for cell phones and mobile devices that’s generating enthusiasm across the industry. Based on the Linux operating system and developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance, Android has the potential to unite a fragmented mobile market. Android Application Development introduces this programming environment, and offers you a complete working example that demonstrates Android architectural features and APIs. With this book, you will:

  • Get a complete introduction to the Android programming environment, architecture, and tools
  • Build a modular application, beginning with a core module that serves to launch modules added in subsequent chapters
  • Learn the concepts and architecture of a specific feature set, including views, maps, location-based services, persistent data storage, 2D and 3D graphics, media services, telephony services, and messaging
  • Use ready-to-run example code that implements each feature
  • Delve into advanced topics, such as security, custom views, performance analysis, and internationalization

The book is a natural complement to the existing Android documentation provided by Google. Whether you want to develop a commercial application for mobile devices, or just want to create a mobile mashup for personal use, Android Application Development demonstrates how you can design, build, and test applications for the new mobile market.

Revolutionizing the architecture and implementation of mobile networks

Book Description:

As the cellular world and the Internet converge, mobile networks are transitioning from circuit to packet and the Internet Protocol (IP) is now recognized as the fundamental building block for all next-generation communication networks. The all-IP vision provides the flexibility to deliver cost-effective services and applications that meet the evolving needs of mobile users. RF engineers, mobile network designers, and system architects will be expected to have an understanding of IP fundamentals and how their role in delivering the end-to-end system is crucial for delivering the all-IP vision that makes the Internet accessible anytime, anywhere.

IP Design for Mobile Networks discusses proper IP design theory to effectively plan and implement your next-generation mobile network so that IP integrates all aspects of the network. The book outlines, from both a standards and a design theory perspective, both the current and target state of mobile networks, and the technology enablers that will assist the migration. This IP transition begins with function-specific migrations of specific network domains and ends with an end-to-end IP network for radio, transport, and service delivery. The book introduces many concepts to give you exposure to the key technology trends and decision points affecting today’s mobile operators.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • Part I provides an overview of how IP is being integrated into mobile systems, including radio systems and cellular networks.
  • Part II provides an overview of IP, the technologies used for transport and connectivity of today’s cellular networks, and how the mobile core is evolving to encompass IP technologies.
  • Part III provides an overview of the end-to-end services network based on IP, including context awareness and services.
  • Presents an overview of what mobile networks look like today–including protocols used, transport technologies, and how IP is being used for specific functions in mobile networks
  • Provides an all-inclusive reference manual for IP design theory as related to the broader application of IP for mobile networks
  • Imparts a view of upcoming trends in mobility standards to better prepare a network evolution plan for IP-based mobile networks

This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press®, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

Fairness, Efficiency, and Security

Book Description:

Spectrum Sharing in Wireless Networks: Fairness, Efficiency, and Security provides a broad overview of wireless network spectrum sharing in seven distinct sections: The first section examines the big picture and basic principles, explaining the concepts of spectrum sharing, hardware/software function requirements for efficient sharing, and future trends of sharing strategies.

The second section contains more than 10 chapters that discuss differing approaches to efficient spectrum sharing. The authors introduce a new coexistence and sharing scheme for multi-hop networks, describe the space-time sharing concept, introduce LTE-U, and examine sharing in broadcast and unicast environments. They then talk about different cooperation strategies to achieve mutual benefits for primary users (PU) and secondary users (SU), discuss protocols in a spectrum sharing context, and provide different game theory models between PUs and SUs.

The third section explains how to model the interactions of PUs and SUs, using an efficient calculation method to determine spectrum availability. Additionally, this section explains how to use scheduling models to achieve efficient SU traffic delivery. The subject of the fourth section is MIMO-oriented design. It focuses on how directional antennas and MIMO antennas greatly enhance wireless network performance. The authors include a few chapters on capacity/rate calculations as well as beamforming issues under MIMO antennas.

Power control is covered in the fifth section which also describes the interference-aware power allocation schemes among cognitive radio users and the power control schemes in cognitive radios. The sixth section provides a comprehensive look at security issues, including different types of spectrum sharing attacks and threats as well as corresponding countermeasure schemes. The seventh and final section covers issues pertaining to military applications and examines how the military task protects its data flows when sharing the spectrum with civilian applications.

Book Description:

Having a network in your home increases work efficiency and minimizes confusion. If you want to set up a network in your home but you’re not quite sure where to start, then Home Networking for Dummies makes it easy for you to become your household’s network administrator. Now fully updated with information on the newest technology in networking available, this quick and to-the-point walkthrough will show you how to install Web connections in your entire home, whether by wires, cables, or WiFi. This resourceful guide illustrates:

  • Planning and installing your network
  • The differences between Ethernet cable, phone lines, and wireless technology
  • Configuring computer sharing
  • Setting up and managing users
  • Installing, managing, and troubleshooting the network printer
  • Understanding UNC format, mapping drives, and traveling on the network
  • Working with remote files
  • Securing your network from viruses, spyware, and other baddies

Along with the basics, this book introduces fun ways to use your network, including sharing music, keeping shopping lists, creating photo albums, setting up a family budget, and instant messaging. It also provides ways to keep your network safe for kids, such as talking to your child about the Internet, creating site filters, and ISP E-mail filtering features. With this trusty guide your home will be fully connected and you’ll be working more efficiently in no time!

Near Field Communication with Arduino, Android, and PhoneGap

Book Description:

Jump into the world of Near Field Communications (Nfc), the fast-growing technology that lets devices in close proximity exchange data, using radio signals. With lots of examples, sample code, exercises, and step-by-step projects, this hands-on guide shows you how to build Nfc applications for Android, the Arduino microcontroller, and embedded Linux devices.You”ll learn how to write apps using the Nfc Data Exchange Format (Ndef) in PhoneGap, Arduino, and node.js that help devices read messages from passive Nfc tags and exchange data with other Nfc-enabled devices. If you know Html and JavaScript, you’re ready to start with Nfc.

  • Dig into Nfc’s architecture, and learn how it’s related to Rfid
  • Write sample apps for Android with PhoneGap and its Nfc plugin
  • Dive into Ndef: examine existing tag-writer apps and build your own
  • Listen for and filter Ndef messages, using PhoneGap event listeners
  • Build a full Android app to control lights and music in your home
  • Create a hotel registration app with Arduino, from check-in to door lock
  • Write peer-to-peer Nfc messages between two Android devices
  • Explore embedded Linux applications, using examples on Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone

Wiring the iPhone and iPad into the Internet of Things

Book Description:

Turn your iPhone or iPad into the hub of a distributed sensor network with the help of an Arduino microcontroller. With this concise guide, you’ll learn how to connect an external sensor to an iOS device and have them talk to each other through Arduino. You’ll also build an iOS application that will parse the sensor values it receives and plot the resulting measurements, all in real-time.

iOS processes data from its own onboard sensors, and now you can extend its reach with this simple, low-cost project. If you’re an Objective-C programmer who likes to experiment, this book explains the basics of Arduino and other hardware components you need—and lets you have fun in the process.

  • Learn how to connect the Arduino platform to any iOS device
  • Build a simple application to control your Arduino directly from an iPad
  • Gather measurements from an ultrasonic range finder and display them on your iPhone
  • Connect an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to an XBee radio network
  • Explore other methods for connecting external sensors to iOS, including Ethernet and the MIDI protocol

Best Practices for Professional Developers

Book Description:

There’s a downside to Android’s amazing openness and versatility: it’s easy for developers to write code that’s inefficient, unreliable, insecure, or hard to maintain. In Android Development Patterns , enterprise Android developer Phil Dutson helps you leverage Android 5.0+’s amazing power without falling victim to those pitfalls. Dutson presents today’s most comprehensive set of patterns and procedures for building optimized, robust apps with Android 5.0+.

First, Dutson guides you through establishing a highly efficient development environment and workflow, and testing your app to ensure that your code works just as you expect. Then, he walks through the modern best practices for structuring apps, using widgets and components, and working with views.

You learn how to build apps that are easy to manage and update, deliver accurate and up-to-date information without wasting precious battery power, and take advantage of new hardware, such as Android Wear and Android TV. Dutson concludes by presenting powerful strategies for optimizing your apps and packaging them for distribution.

Coverage includes

  • Using testing to build more trustworthy, dependable, maintainable apps
  • Understanding subtle but critical differences between Android and traditional Java programming
  • Building consistent, modern user interfaces with views and layouts
  • Leveraging the proven MVC pattern to cleanly organize logic
  • Creating rich visual experiences with 3D graphics, animation, and media
  • Simplifying capture and use of location data with the new Locations API
  • Integrating optional hardware, such as Bluetooth, NFC, or USB
  • Building better apps with Google Play Services
  • Creating Android Wear notifications and apps
  • Tuning and improving apps with Google Analytics
  • Designing Android TV apps for the “ten foot view”