Big Data for Improved Health Outcomes

Book Description:

Explore the theory and practical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in healthcare. This book offers a guided tour of machine learning algorithms, architecture design, and applications of learning in healthcare and big data challenges.

You’ll discover the ethical implications of healthcare data analytics and the future of AI in population and patient health optimization.   You’ll also create a machine learning model, evaluate performance and operationalize its outcomes within your organization.

Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare provides techniques on how to apply machine learning within your organization and evaluate the efficacy, suitability, and efficiency of AI applications. These are illustrated through leading case studies, including how chronic disease is being redefined through patient-led data learning and the Internet of Things.

What You’ll Learn

  • Gain a deeper understanding of key machine learning algorithms and their use and implementation within wider healthcare
  • Implement machine learning systems, such as speech recognition and enhanced deep learning/AI
  • Select learning methods/algorithms and tuning for use in healthcare
  • Recognize and prepare for the future of artificial intelligence in healthcare through best practices, feedback loops and intelligent agents
Who This Book Is For

Health care professionals interested in how machine learning can be used to develop health intelligence – with the aim of improving patient health, population health and facilitating significant care-payer cost savings.

Practical Recipes to Get Started Quickly

Book Description:

Deep learning doesn’t have to be intimidating. Until recently, this machine-learning method required years of study, but with frameworks such as Keras and Tensorflow, software engineers without a background in machine learning can quickly enter the field. With the recipes in this cookbook, you’ll learn how to solve deep-learning problems for classifying and generating text, images, and music.

Each chapter consists of several recipes needed to complete a single project, such as training a music recommending system. Author Douwe Osinga also provides a chapter with half a dozen techniques to help you if you’re stuck. Examples are written in Python with code available on GitHub as a set of Python notebooks.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create applications that will serve real users
  • Use word embeddings to calculate text similarity
  • Build a movie recommender system based on Wikipedia links
  • Learn how AIs see the world by visualizing their internal state
  • Build a model to suggest emojis for pieces of text
  • Reuse pretrained networks to build an inverse image search service
  • Compare how GANs, autoencoders and LSTMs generate icons
  • Detect music styles and index song collections

Book Description:

Deep Learning with R introduces the world of deep learning using the powerful Keras library and its R language interface. The book builds your understanding of deep learning through intuitive explanations and practical examples.

Convolutional Nets

Book Description:

Discover the essential building blocks of a common and powerful form of deep belief network: convolutional nets. This book shows you how the structure of these elegant models is much closer to that of human brains than traditional neural networks; they have a ‘thought process’ that is capable of learning abstract concepts built from simpler primitives. These models are especially useful for image processing applications.

At each step Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 3 presents intuitive motivation, a summary of the most important equations relevant to the topic, and concludes with highly commented code for threaded computation on modern CPUs as well as massive parallel processing on computers with CUDA-capable video display cards. Source code for all routines presented in the book, and the executable CONVNET program which implements these algorithms, are available for free download.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover convolutional nets and how to use them
  • Build deep feedforward nets using locally connected layers, pooling layers, and softmax outputs
  • Master the various programming algorithms required
  • Carry out multi-threaded gradient computations and memory allocations for this threading
  • Work with CUDA code implementations of all core computations, including layer activations and gradient calculations
  • Make use of the CONVNET program and manual to explore convolutional nets and case studies
Who This Book Is For

Those who have at least a basic knowledge of neural networks and some prior programming experience, although some C++ and CUDA C is recommended.

Robotics Programming Made Easy

Book Description:

Learn how to get started with robotics programming using Robot Operation System (ROS). Targeted for absolute beginners in ROS, Linux, and Python, this short guide shows you how to build your own robotics projects.

ROS is an open-source and flexible framework for writing robotics software. With a hands-on approach and sample projects, Robot Operating System for Absolute Beginners will enable you to begin your first robot project. You will learn the basic concepts of working with ROS and begin coding with ROS APIs in both C++ and Python.

What You’ll Learn

  • Install ROS
  • Review fundamental ROS concepts
  • Work with frequently used commands in ROS
  • Build a mobile robot from scratch using ROS
Who This Book Is For

Absolute beginners with little to no programming experience looking to learn robotics programming.

Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Supervised Feedforward Networks

Book Description:

Discover the essential building blocks of the most common forms of deep belief networks. At each step this book provides intuitive motivation, a summary of the most important equations relevant to the topic, and concludes with highly commented code for threaded computation on modern CPUs as well as massive parallel processing on computers with CUDA-capable video display cards.

The first of three in a series on C++ and CUDA C deep learning and belief nets, Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 1 shows you how the structure of these elegant models is much closer to that of human brains than traditional neural networks; they have a thought process that is capable of learning abstract concepts built from simpler primitives. As such, you’ll see that a typical deep belief net can learn to recognize complex patterns by optimizing millions of parameters, yet this model can still be resistant to overfitting.

All the routines and algorithms presented in the book are available in the code download, which also contains some libraries of related routines.

What You Will Learn

  • Employ deep learning using C++ and CUDA C
  • Work with supervised feedforward networks
  • Implement restricted Boltzmann machines
  • Use generative samplings
  • Discover why these are important
Who This Book Is For

Those who have at least a basic knowledge of neural networks and some prior programming experience, although some C++ and CUDA C is recommended.

Theory and Algorithms in C++

Book Description:

Assess the quality of your prediction and classification models in ways that accurately reflect their real-world performance, and then improve this performance using state-of-the-art algorithms such as committee-based decision making, resampling the dataset, and boosting.  This book presents many important techniques for building powerful, robust models and quantifying their expected behavior when put to work in your application.

Considerable attention is given to information theory, especially as it relates to discovering and exploiting relationships between variables employed by your models.  This presentation of an often confusing subject avoids advanced mathematics, focusing instead on concepts easily understood by those with modest background in mathematics.

All algorithms include an intuitive explanation of operation, essential equations, references to more rigorous theory, and commented C++ source code.  Many of these techniques are recent developments, still not in widespread use.  Others are standard algorithms given a fresh look.  In every case, the emphasis is on practical applicability, with all code written in such a way that it can easily be included in any program.

What You’ll Learn

  • Compute entropy to detect problematic predictors
  • Improve numeric predictions using constrained and unconstrained combinations, variance-weighted interpolation, and kernel-regression smoothing
  • Carry out classification decisions using Borda counts, MinMax and MaxMin rules, union and intersection rules, logistic regression, selection by local accuracy, maximization of the fuzzy integral, and pairwise coupling
  • Harness information-theoretic techniques to rapidly screen large numbers of candidate predictors, identifying those that are especially promising
  • Use Monte-Carlo permutation methods to assess the role of good luck in performance results
  • Compute confidence and tolerance intervals for predictions, as well as confidence levels for classification decisions
Who This Book is For

Anyone who creates prediction or classification models will find a wealth of useful algorithms in this book.  Although all code examples are written in C++, the algorithms are described in sufficient detail that they can easily be programmed in any language.

Book Description:

Machine Learning with TensorFlow gives readers a solid foundation in machine-learning concepts plus hands-on experience coding TensorFlow with Python.