Book Description:

Moodle is a very popular e-learning tool in universities and high schools. But what does it have to offer younger students who want a fun, interesting, interactive, and informative learning experience? Moodle empowers teachers to achieve all this and more and this book will show you how!

Moodle 2 For Teaching 7-14 Year Olds will show complete beginners in Moodle with no technical background how to make the most of its features to enhance the learning and teaching of children aged around 7-14. The book focuses on the unique needs of young learners to create a fun, interesting, interactive, and informative learning environment your students will want to go to day after day.

This is a practical book for teachers, written by a teacher with two decades of practical experience, latterly in using Moodle to motivate younger students. Learn how to put your lessons online in minutes; how to set creative homework that Moodle will mark for you and how to get your students working together to build up their knowledge. Throughout the book we will build a course from scratch, adaptable for ages 7 to 14, on Rivers and Flooding. You can adapt this to any topic, as Moodle lends itself to all subjects and ages.

What you will learn from this book

  • Set up your lessons directly onto Moodle to save paper and effort
  • Get your students doing homework on Moodle so you can grade and give feedback online
  • Use Moodle to encourage discussion and decision-making
  • Introduce your children to the world of blogging within the safety of Moodle
  • Get interactive with self-marking games and quizzes by including images, sounds, and animations
  • Make movies and sound recordings to inspire your class
  • Learn how to make games that will please both the children’s need to play and your headteacher’s need for assessment grades
  • Make the most of what’s free on the Web to get your children working and learning together

Understand the Blockchain Ecosystem and How to Make it Work for You

Book Description:

Work with blockchain and understand its potential application beyond cryptocurrencies in the domains of healthcare, Internet of Things, finance, decentralized organizations, and open science. Featuring case studies and practical insights generated from a start-up spun off from the author’s own lab, this book covers a unique mix of topics not found in others and offers insight into how to overcome real hurdles that arise as the market and consumers grow accustomed to blockchain based start-ups.

You’ll start with a review of the historical origins of blockchain and explore the basic cryptography needed to make the blockchain work for Bitcoin. You will then learn about the technical advancements made in the surrounded ecosystem: the Ethereum virtual machine, Solidity, Colored Coins, the Hyperledger Project, Blockchain-as-a-service offered through IBM, Microsoft and more.

This book looks at the consequences of machine-to-machine transactions using the blockchain socially, technologically, economically and politically. Blockchain Enabled Applications provides you with a clear perspective of the ecosystem that has developed around the blockchain and the various industries it has penetrated.

Book Description:

Provided as a part of Microsoft’s Bing suite of search engines, Bing Maps is a web mapping service powered by the Bing Maps for Enterprise framework. The need for geospatial data has increased dramatically in the last few years. Adding a mapping context to any location-based data is becoming more and more common, and businesses are embracing it to improve their user experience with new data richness.

Comprising of simple, follow-along examples, Learning Bing Maps API will show you how to use the many features of Bing Maps, from dropping a simple map on a web page, to fetching geospatial data from the Microsoft servers. Through the course of this book you will build a solid foundation for creating your own geo-applications.

Following the hands-on recipes of this book, you will build a different web app in each chapter as you communicate with different APIs provided by Bing Maps. You will build your own library of JavaScript modules that talk to the Microsoft Maps API.

You will create a custom theme for the map, with your own controls. Taking advantage of the global reach of Bing Maps, you will learn how to build a route scheduler for a delivery company in Madrid, Spain, and then you will discover how to create jobs on the Bing Maps servers for geocoding addresses in California, USA.

By the end of the book you will have learned everything you need to know to embed a map on a web page, with your own geo-data, or data obtained by the Bing Map Services.

What you will learn from this book

  • Place a map on a page and customize its look and feel
  • Perform a query using the coordinates of a point on a map
  • Display a shape, polyline, pin, or infobox when users click on the map
  • Query for route information between two or more points and show it on the map
  • Parse the response to the API requests in JSON and XML formats
  • Set up and monitor jobs for address geocoding, as well as parsing the response when the job is complete
  • Fetch geographical information in the form of polygon strings for different levels of administrative areas, from postcodes to regions or countries
  • Display user data on the map, such as electoral results, over a period of time

Book Description:

Make your data work for you!

Tableau For Dummies brings order to the chaotic world of data. Understanding your data and organizing it into formats and visualizations that make sense to you are crucial to making a real impact on your business with the information that’s already at your fingertips. This easy-to-use reference explores the user interface, and guides you through the process of connecting your data sources to the software. Additionally, this approachable, yet comprehensive text shows you how to use graphs, charts, and other images to bring visual interest to your data, how to create dashboards from multiple data sources, and how to export the visualizations that you have developed into multiple formats that translate into positive change for your business.

The mission of Tableau Software is to grant you access to data that, when put into action, will help you build your company. Learning to use the data available to you helps you make informed, grounded business decisions that can spell success for your company.

  • Navigate the user interface to efficiently access the features you need
  • Connect to various spreadsheets, databases, and other data sources to create a multi-dimensional snapshot of your business
  • Develop visualizations with easy to use drag and drop features
  • Start building your data with templates and sample workbooks to spark your creativity and help you organize your information

Tableau For Dummies is a step-by-step resource that helps you make sense of the data landscape—and put your data to work in support of your business.

Big Data for Improved Health Outcomes

Book Description:

Explore the theory and practical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in healthcare. This book offers a guided tour of machine learning algorithms, architecture design, and applications of learning in healthcare and big data challenges.

You’ll discover the ethical implications of healthcare data analytics and the future of AI in population and patient health optimization.   You’ll also create a machine learning model, evaluate performance and operationalize its outcomes within your organization.

Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare provides techniques on how to apply machine learning within your organization and evaluate the efficacy, suitability, and efficiency of AI applications. These are illustrated through leading case studies, including how chronic disease is being redefined through patient-led data learning and the Internet of Things.

What You’ll Learn

  • Gain a deeper understanding of key machine learning algorithms and their use and implementation within wider healthcare
  • Implement machine learning systems, such as speech recognition and enhanced deep learning/AI
  • Select learning methods/algorithms and tuning for use in healthcare
  • Recognize and prepare for the future of artificial intelligence in healthcare through best practices, feedback loops and intelligent agents
Who This Book Is For

Health care professionals interested in how machine learning can be used to develop health intelligence – with the aim of improving patient health, population health and facilitating significant care-payer cost savings.

A Problem-Solution Approach

Book Description:

Harness the power of MATLAB to resolve a wide range of machine learning challenges. This book provides a series of examples of technologies critical to machine learning. Each example solves a real-world problem.

All code in MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes:  A Problem-Solution Approach is executable. The toolbox that the code uses provides a complete set of functions needed to implement all aspects of machine learning. Authors Michael Paluszek and Stephanie Thomas show how all of these technologies allow the reader to build sophisticated applications to solve problems with pattern recognition, autonomous driving, expert systems, and much more.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to write code for machine learning, adaptive control and estimation using MATLAB
  • How these three areas complement each other
  • How these three areas are needed for robust machine learning applications
  • How to use MATLAB graphics and visualization tools for machine learning
  • How to code real world examples in MATLAB for major applications of machine learning in big data
Who is this book for:

The primary audiences are engineers, data scientists and students wanting a comprehensive and code cookbook rich in examples on machine learning using MATLAB.

Scientific Computing and Data Science Applications with Numpy, SciPy and Matplotlib

Book Description:

Leverage the numerical and mathematical modules in Python and its standard library as well as popular open source numerical Python packages like NumPy, SciPy, FiPy, matplotlib and more. This fully revised edition, updated with the latest details of each package and changes to Jupyter projects, demonstrates how to numerically compute solutions and mathematically model applications in big data, cloud computing, financial engineering, business management and more.

Numerical Python, Second Edition, presents many brand-new case study examples of applications in data science and statistics using Python, along with extensions to many previous examples. Each of these demonstrates the power of Python for rapid development and exploratory computing due to its simple and high-level syntax and multiple options for data analysis.

After reading this book, readers will be familiar with many computing techniques including array-based and symbolic computing, visualization and numerical file I/O, equation solving, optimization, interpolation and integration, and domain-specific computational problems, such as differential equation solving, data analysis, statistical modeling and machine learning.

What You’ll Learn

  • Work with vectors and matrices using NumPy
  • Plot and visualize data with Matplotlib
  • Perform data analysis tasks with Pandas and SciPy
  • Review statistical modeling and machine learning with statsmodels and scikit-learn
  • Optimize Python code using Numba and Cython
Who This Book Is For

Developers who want to understand how to use Python and its related ecosystem for numerical computing.

From Linear Regression to Reinforcement Learning

Book Description:

Learn how to solve challenging machine learning problems with TensorFlow, Google’s revolutionary new software library for deep learning. If you have some background in basic linear algebra and calculus, this practical book introduces machine-learning fundamentals by showing you how to design systems capable of detecting objects in images, understanding text, analyzing video, and predicting the properties of potential medicines.

TensorFlow for Deep Learning teaches concepts through practical examples and helps you build knowledge of deep learning foundations from the ground up. It’s ideal for practicing developers with experience designing software systems, and useful for scientists and other professionals familiar with scripting but not necessarily with designing learning algorithms.

  • Learn TensorFlow fundamentals, including how to perform basic computation
  • Build simple learning systems to understand their mathematical foundations
  • Dive into fully connected deep networks used in thousands of applications
  • Turn prototypes into high-quality models with hyperparameter optimization
  • Process images with convolutional neural networks
  • Handle natural language datasets with recurrent neural networks
  • Use reinforcement learning to solve games such as tic-tac-toe
  • Train deep networks with hardware including GPUs and tensor processing units

Design Patterns for Fun and Competition

Book Description:

Winning Design! LEGO Mindstorms NXT Design Patterns for Fun and Competition is about design that works. It’s about building with LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT for fun, for education, but especially for competition. Author James Trobaugh is an experienced coach and leader in the FIRST LEGO League. In this book, he shares his hard-won knowledge about design principles and techniques that contribute to success in robotics competitions.

Winning Design! unlocks the secrets of reliable design using LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT. You’ll learn proven design patterns that you can employ for common tasks such as turning, pushing, and pulling. You’ll reduce and compensate for variation in performance from battery charge levels and motor calibration differences. You’ll produce designs that won’t frustrate you by not working, but that will delight you with their reliable performance in the heat of competition.

Good design is about more than just the hardware. Software counts for a lot, and Winning Design! has you covered. You’ll find chapters on program design and organization with tips on effective coding and documentation practices. You’ll learn about master programs and the needed flexibility they provide. There’s even a section on presenting your robot and software designs to the judges.

Winning Design! is the book you need if your involved in competitions such as FIRST LEGO League events. Whether coach, parent, or student, you’ll find much in this book to make your design and competition experience fun and memorable, and educational.

Please note: the print version of this title is black & white; the eBook is full color.

What you’ll learn

  • Build winning robots on a foundation of good chassis design
  • Reduce variability in robot mechanical movements
  • Design modular attachments for quick change during competition
  • Solve navigation problems such as steering, squaring up, and collision detection
  • Manage software using master programs and other techniques
  • Power your robot attachments via motors and pneumatics

Book Description:

An easy-to-understand primer on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are driving the next technological revolution. If you want to get in on the action, this book helps you understand what these technologies are, their history, how they’re being used, and how they’ll affect consumers both personally and professionally in the very near future.

With VR and AR poised to become mainstream within the next few years, an accessible book to bring users up to speed on the subject is sorely needed—and that’s where this handy reference comes in! Rather than focusing on a specific piece of hardware (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, iOS ARKit) or software (Unity, Unreal Engine), Virtual & Augmented Reality For Dummies offers a broad look at both VR and AR, giving you a bird’s eye view of what you can expect as they continue to take the world by storm.

* Keeps you up-to-date on the pulse of this fast-changing technology

* Explores the many ways AR/VR are being used in fields such as healthcare, education, and entertainment

* Includes interviews with designers, developers, and technologists currently working in the fields of VR and AR

Perfect for both potential content creators and content consumers, this book will change the way you approach and contribute to these emerging technologies.

Practical Recipes to Get Started Quickly

Book Description:

Deep learning doesn’t have to be intimidating. Until recently, this machine-learning method required years of study, but with frameworks such as Keras and Tensorflow, software engineers without a background in machine learning can quickly enter the field. With the recipes in this cookbook, you’ll learn how to solve deep-learning problems for classifying and generating text, images, and music.

Each chapter consists of several recipes needed to complete a single project, such as training a music recommending system. Author Douwe Osinga also provides a chapter with half a dozen techniques to help you if you’re stuck. Examples are written in Python with code available on GitHub as a set of Python notebooks.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create applications that will serve real users
  • Use word embeddings to calculate text similarity
  • Build a movie recommender system based on Wikipedia links
  • Learn how AIs see the world by visualizing their internal state
  • Build a model to suggest emojis for pieces of text
  • Reuse pretrained networks to build an inverse image search service
  • Compare how GANs, autoencoders and LSTMs generate icons
  • Detect music styles and index song collections

Book Description:

Deep Learning with R introduces the world of deep learning using the powerful Keras library and its R language interface. The book builds your understanding of deep learning through intuitive explanations and practical examples.

Exam SY0-501

Book Description:

Consolidate your knowledge base with critical Security+ review

CompTIA Security+ Review Guide, Fourth Edition, is the smart candidate’s secret weapon for passing Exam SY0-501 with flying colors. You’ve worked through your study guide, but are you sure you’re prepared? This book provides tight, concise reviews of all essential topics throughout each of the exam’s six domains to help you reinforce what you know. Take the pre-assessment test to identify your weak areas while there is still time to review, and use your remaining prep time to turn weaknesses into strengths. The Sybex online learning environment gives you access to portable study aids, including electronic flashcards and a glossary of key terms, so you can review on the go. Hundreds of practice questions allow you to gauge your readiness, and give you a preview of the big day.

Avoid exam-day surprises by reviewing with the makers of the test—this review guide is fully approved and endorsed by CompTIA, so you can be sure that it accurately reflects the latest version of the exam. The perfect companion to the CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, Seventh Edition, this review guide can be used with any study guide to help you:

  • Review the critical points of each exam topic area
  • Ensure your understanding of how concepts translate into tasks
  • Brush up on essential terminology, processes, and skills
  • Test your readiness with hundreds of practice questions

You’ve put in the time, gained hands-on experience, and now it’s time to prove what you know. The CompTIA Security+ certification tells employers that you’re the person they need to keep their data secure; with threats becoming more and more sophisticated, the demand for your skills will only continue to grow. Don’t leave anything to chance on exam day—be absolutely sure you’re prepared with the CompTIA Security+ Review Guide, Fourth Edition.

Flexible Software Systems, Module Use-Cases, and Wireframes

Book Description:

Reduce the time spent analyzing infrastructure modules while lowering your cost and resources in the process. Most software project teams that develop custom software build the systems from scratch. With limited budgets and time, they often concentrate on the business functionality and try to minimize or ignore the infrastructure functionality.  This book shows you how to develop flexible and and reusable modules that can be enhanced over time.

Software infrastructure modules are the base modules in any software system. This book examines the key functionality supported by each of them and discusses the essential services for other modules.You’ll explore the infrastructure modules required in large enterprise projects and each one will be explained with high-level use-cases, wireframes, and entities.

Add Infrastructure Software Modules for Enterprises to your company’s library today.

What You’ll Learn

  • Review infrastructure modules and how they interact together or with other business modules
  • Understand the main functionalities provided by infrastructure modules
  • Explore the design of infrastructure modules via use-cases, wireframes, and entities
Who This Book Is For

Project team members that implement custom portals or software systems provided by public or private sector organizations.

Convolutional Nets

Book Description:

Discover the essential building blocks of a common and powerful form of deep belief network: convolutional nets. This book shows you how the structure of these elegant models is much closer to that of human brains than traditional neural networks; they have a ‘thought process’ that is capable of learning abstract concepts built from simpler primitives. These models are especially useful for image processing applications.

At each step Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 3 presents intuitive motivation, a summary of the most important equations relevant to the topic, and concludes with highly commented code for threaded computation on modern CPUs as well as massive parallel processing on computers with CUDA-capable video display cards. Source code for all routines presented in the book, and the executable CONVNET program which implements these algorithms, are available for free download.

What You Will Learn

  • Discover convolutional nets and how to use them
  • Build deep feedforward nets using locally connected layers, pooling layers, and softmax outputs
  • Master the various programming algorithms required
  • Carry out multi-threaded gradient computations and memory allocations for this threading
  • Work with CUDA code implementations of all core computations, including layer activations and gradient calculations
  • Make use of the CONVNET program and manual to explore convolutional nets and case studies
Who This Book Is For

Those who have at least a basic knowledge of neural networks and some prior programming experience, although some C++ and CUDA C is recommended.

Developing with FreeRTOS, libopencm3 and GCC

Book Description:

Using FreeRTOS and libopencm3 instead of the Arduino software environment, this book will help you develop multi-tasking applications that go beyond Arduino norms. In addition to the usual peripherals found in the typical Arduino device, the STM32 device includes a USB controller, RTC (Real Time Clock), DMA (Direct Memory Access controller), CAN bus and more.

Each chapter contains clear explanations of the STM32 hardware capabilities to help get you started with the device, including GPIO and several other ST Microelectronics peripherals like USB and CAN bus controller. You’ll learn how to download and set up the libopencm3 + FreeRTOS development environment, using GCC. With everything set up, you’ll leverage FreeRTOS to create tasks, queues, and mutexes. You’ll also learn to work with the I2C bus to add GPIO using the PCF8574 chip. And how to create PWM output for RC control using hardware timers.

You’ll be introduced to new concepts that are necessary to master the STM32, such as how to extend code with GCC overlays using an external Winbond ​W25Q32 flash chip. Your knowledge is tested at the end of each chapter with exercises. Upon completing this book, you’ll be ready to work with any of the devices in the STM32 family.

Beginning STM32 provides the professional, student, or hobbyist a way to learn about ARM without costing an arm!

What You’ll Learn

  • Initialize and use the libopencm3 drivers and handle interrupts
  • Use DMA to drive a SPI based OLED displaying an analog meter
  • Read PWM from an RC control using hardware timers
Who This Book Is For

Experienced embedded engineers, students, hobbyists and makers wishing to explore the ARM architecture, going beyond Arduino limits.

Robotics Programming Made Easy

Book Description:

Learn how to get started with robotics programming using Robot Operation System (ROS). Targeted for absolute beginners in ROS, Linux, and Python, this short guide shows you how to build your own robotics projects.

ROS is an open-source and flexible framework for writing robotics software. With a hands-on approach and sample projects, Robot Operating System for Absolute Beginners will enable you to begin your first robot project. You will learn the basic concepts of working with ROS and begin coding with ROS APIs in both C++ and Python.

What You’ll Learn

  • Install ROS
  • Review fundamental ROS concepts
  • Work with frequently used commands in ROS
  • Build a mobile robot from scratch using ROS
Who This Book Is For

Absolute beginners with little to no programming experience looking to learn robotics programming.

Book Description:

Get all the things done you’re used to doing with pricey software at a fraction of the cost. There are hundreds of free programs out there that work just as well as the commercial programs people pay hundreds of dollars for. This book tells you how to find and use the most popular and useful of these.

The Open Source movement is a system where programmers can share code and collectively improve programs.  As a result they can produce programs that are just as good, if not better than their commercial alternatives.  For example, LibreOffice comes with a database, Microsoft Office does not.

This book shows you where to get and how to use the best Open Source programs giving you not only access to high quality software, but saving you money as well. Add Practical Free Alternatives to Commercial Software to your library today.

What You’ll Learn

  • Use the free spreadsheet program Libreoffice-calc to balance your checkbook, do an expense account, and other tasks
  • Perform presentations with Libreoffice-impress instead of Powerpoint
  • Photo edit with The Gimp, a high powered image editor
  • Edit videos with Openshot
  • Create video DVDs with DVDStyler

Who This Book Is For

Home or small business PC users who want to save money on software

Book Description:

The A to Z Facebook guide for users, marketers, and developers alike

Facebook has more than a billion users worldwide. Whether you enjoy spending time on Facebook every day, use it to advertise and market your product, or develop Facebook apps, this go-to guide has something you need. Its six minibooks cover creating a personal timeline, connecting with others, connecting Facebook to other social media, building a fan page, marketing a business on Facebook, and developing Facebook apps. It’s fully updated to cover the latest Facebook changes, including Graph Search, mobile apps, Timeline enhancements, and news feed redesign.

  • Facebook has more than one billion active users who share more than 30 billion pieces of content each month
  • More than 37 million brands have Pages on Facebook
  • This complete guide has been fully updated to cover Facebook’s latest changes, including Graph Search, mobile apps for both users and Page managers, a redesigned news feed, and enhancements to the Timeline
  • Minibooks cover creating a personal timeline, connecting with others, connecting Facebook to other social media, building a fan page, marketing a business on Facebook, and developing Facebook apps

Facebook All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition is packed with helpful information, great ideas, and ways to help you get even more out of Facebook.

A Practical Guide to Understanding and Troubleshooting BGP (Networking Technology)

Book Description:

The definitive guide to troubleshooting today’s complex BGP networks

This is today’s best single source for the techniques you need to troubleshoot BGP issues in modern Cisco IOS, IOS XR, and NxOS environments. BGP has expanded from being an Internet routing protocol and provides a scalable control plane for a variety of technologies, including MPLS VPNs and VXLAN. Bringing together content previously spread across multiple sources, Troubleshooting BGP describes BGP functions in today’s blended service provider and enterprise environments.

Two expert authors emphasize the BGP-related issues you’re most likely to encounter in real-world deployments, including problems that have caused massive network outages. They fully address convergence and scalability, as well as common concerns such as BGP slow peer, RT constraint filtering, and missing BGP routes. For each issue, key concepts are presented, along with basic configuration, detailed troubleshooting methods, and clear illustrations. Wherever appropriate, OS-specific behaviors are described and analyzed.

Troubleshooting BGP is an indispensable technical resource for all consultants, system/support engineers, and operations professionals working with BGP in even the largest, most complex environments.

·         Quickly review the BGP protocol, configuration, and commonly used features

·         Master generic troubleshooting methodologies that are relevant to BGP networks

·         Troubleshoot BGP peering issues, flapping peers, and dynamic BGP peering

·         Resolve issues related to BGP route installation, path selection, or route policies

·         Avoid and fix convergence problems

·         Address platform issues such as high CPU or memory usage

·         Scale BGP using route reflectors, diverse paths, and other advanced features

·         Solve problems with BGP edge architectures, multihoming, and load balancing

·         Secure BGP inter-domain routing with RPKI

·         Mitigate DDoS attacks with RTBH and BGP Flowspec

·         Understand common BGP problems with MPLS Layer 3 or Layer 2 VPN services

·         Troubleshoot IPv6 BGP for service providers, including 6PE and 6VPE

·         Overcome problems with VXLAN BGP EVPN data center deployments

·         Fully leverage BGP High Availability features, including GR, NSR, and BFD

·         Use new BGP enhancements for link-state distribution or tunnel setup

This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.