A Problem-Solution Approach (Expert's Voice in .NET)

Book Description:

This book is an invaluable companion when tackling a wide range of Visual Basic 2005 problems. It meets your need for fast, effective solutions to the difficulties you encounter in your coding projects.

The book collates these problems and explains their available solutions. These one-stop solutions have been chosen with professional developers in mind and feature a careful balance of code and text: the code gives you everything you need to solve the problem at hand, while the accompanying text carefully explains how it solves your problem and, more importantly, why it works the way it does.

Book Description:

* Full coverage of SQL Server tools, from installation Query Analyzer to English Query applications.

* Shows how to integrate SQL Server into your VB applications using ADO.

* Extensive coverage of Transact-SQL, and particularly building stored procedures and calling them from VB code.

* Coverage extends right down to advanced topics like SQL Server XML and building web reports.

Book Description:

If you are new to programming with Microsoft Excel VBA and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science professors, books in the “for the absolute beginner” series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation. Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Third Edition provides you with the skills that you need for more practical Excel VBA programming applications and shows you how to put these skills to use in real-world scenarios. Best of all, by the time you finish the book, you will be able to apply the basic principles you’ve learned to the next programming language you tackle.

Book Description:

The comprehensive guide to Visual Basic 2012

Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) is the most popular programming language in the world, with millions of lines of code used in businesses and applications of all types and sizes. In this edition of the bestselling Wrox guide, Visual Basic expert Rod Stephens offers novice and experienced developers a comprehensive tutorial and reference to Visual Basic 2012. This latest edition introduces major changes to the Visual Studio development platform, including support for developing mobile applications that can take advantage of the Windows 8 operating system.

  • This new edition includes information on developing Win8-compatible Metro applications using pre-loaded templates
  • Explores the new design features and support for WPF designers
  • Explains how to develop Windows smartphone apps
  • Covers new VB language features such as Asynch and Await

Visual Basic 2012 Programmer’s Reference is the programmer’s go-to reference for the 2012 edition of Visual Basic.

Book Description:

Learn to build custom Office applications with this new Microsoft development tool

Designed to attract both VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) and Visual Studio developers, VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) is a Visual Studio add-in that makes it easy to create custom Office applications. This book shows developers step by step how to work with VSTO tools to create real-world applications for Word, Outlook, and Excel.

  • VSTO enables developers to easily create custom applications for Microsoft Office
  • In the fun and friendly For Dummies style, this book explains how to build effective user interfaces and integrate VSTO applications with Sharepoint and other Microsoft server products
  • All code is presented in Visual Basic, making the book accessible to both VB and VBA programmers

VSTO For Dummies will get you up and running with this exciting technology quickly and easily.

Book Description:

Packed with more than 300 sample scripts and an extensive collection of library functions, this essential scripting book is the most thorough guide to Windows scripting and PowerShell on the market. You’ll examine how Windows scripting is changing the face of system and network administration by giving everyday users, developers, and administrators the ability to automate repetitive tasks. Plus, this is the first time that VBScript, Jscript, and Powershell are all covered in a single resource.

Book Description:

“Visual Basic 2005″ adds new features to Visual Basic (VB) that make it a more powerful programming language than ever before. This combined tutorial and reference describes VB 2005 from scratch, while also offering in-depth content for more advanced developers. Whether you’re looking to learn the latest features of VB 2005 or you want a refresher of easily forgotten details, this book is an ideal resource. Well-known VB expert Rod Stephens features the basics of Visual Basic 2005 programming in the first half of the book. The second half serves as a reference that allows you to quickly locate information for specific language features. It’s a comprehensive look at programming using the increased set of language options offered with the VB 2005 release, confirming that there has never been a better time to learn Visual Basic than now.What you will learn from this book? The fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming with Visual Basic, including classes and structures, inheritance and interfaces, and generics. How an application can interact with its environment, save and load data in external sources, and use standard dialog controls. The syntax for declaring subroutines, functions, generics, classes, and other important language concepts. Who this book is for? This book is for programmers at all levels who are either looking to learn Visual Basic 2005 or have already mastered it and want some useful tips, tricks, and language details. “Wrox Programmer’s References” are designed to give the experienced developer straight facts on a new technology, without hype or unnecessary explanations. They deliver hard information with plenty of practical examples to help you apply new tools to your development projects today.

Book Description:

In the Fifth Edition, Advanced Visual Basic 2010 helps those who are familiar with the fundamentals of Visual Basic 2010 programming harness its power for more advanced uses. Coverage of sophisticated tools and techniques used in the industry today include various database, ASP.NET, LINQ, WPF and Web Services topics. After studying the book and completing the programming exercises, students should be able to create small- to medium-sized Windows and Web applications that use databases. They will also gain essential concepts in object-oriented programming, event-driven programming, and test-driven development. Each subject is presented in an understandable style that makes this book a leader in the field.

Book Description:

If you know the basics of Visual Basic, you’re ready to learn to develop server-side web applications with ASP.NET…and that’s where this book comes in:

  • Section 1 presents a quick-start course on ASP.NET Web Forms, Visual Studio tools, and the role of HTML5/CSS3…a course that works both for beginners and for experienced web developers who are new to ASP.NET
  • Section 2 gives you the skills you need for every ASP.NET application you develop…like how to use the server controls, validate user entries, manage state, use master pages and themes, provide site navigation, and use friendly URLs
  • Section 3 presents the skills you need for developing database-driven web sites at a professional level…including how to use SQL data sources, object data sources, and ASP.NET data controls like the GridView, DetailsView, FormView, and ListView controls
  • Section 4 covers skills that enhance your professionalism…like how to develop secure web pages, authorize and authenticate users, send email, control the use of the Back button, and deploy finished applications
  • Section 5 takes you to the next level by showing you how to use ASP.NET Ajax, how to develop WCF and Web API services, and how ASP.NET MVC programming differs from Web Forms programming

To make it easier for you to master ASP.NET, you get complete web applications…including the web forms, the aspx code, and the VB code…that show you how each feature works in context. (You can download these for free from the Murach web site.) You get chapter exercises that let you practice your new skills. And you get Murach’s distinctive “paired-pages” format that developers like because it saves both training and reference time.

Book Description:

This Visual Basic book has been a favorite of developers ever since the 1st edition came out in 2002.

Now, this 5th Edition is a self-paced, professional book that shows how to use Visual Studio 2012, VB 2012, and the .NET 4.5 classes to develop Windows Forms applications. It’s a data programming book that shows how to (1) prototype professional database applications using RAD features like data sources, (2) start using ADO.NET to work directly with databases for more control, and (3) use LINQ to query a variety of data sources, from databases to arrays to XML files. It’s an object-oriented book that shows how to use business classes, inheritance, and interfaces the way they’re used in the real world. It’s a hands-on book that shows you how to develop your first Windows 8 apps and submit them to the Windows Store.

When you’re done, you’ll be able to develop 3-tiered, object-oriented Windows applications the way the best professionals do. And you’ll have the core VB and Visual Studio skills that you need to develop any VB application…whether for Windows, the web, or mobile devices.